BlogWill you be celebrating Halloween?

Will you be celebrating Halloween?

Will you be celebrating Halloween?

Are there Tricks or Treats in your storage unit?


“It's close to midnight

And something evil's lurking in the dark

Under the moonlight

You see a sight that almost stops your heart”

Sound familiar? Perhaps you've been meaning to organise and tidy your storage unit from the clutter which lurks... or looking for Halloween storage... 

Get your Halloween decorations out, which you've been storing with us, take them home, set up the Halloween projector or alternatively sell them just in time for others to enjoy.

Whether you're pumpkin carving, trick or treating, getting creative with homemade Halloween decorations, having a party or simply relaxing at home watching a scary movie this weekend, we hope you have fun!!! 

- Malvern Self Storage -

01684 892236

Visit Us: Enigma Business Park, Britannia Way, Malvern, WR14 1GZ

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